
Outbound Email Management and Supervision
Establish an approval system based on the organization chart for the management and supervision of team members’ outbound emails.

(ITU-T X.1236 Security Requirements 8.3.1)

Control of Viewing Sent Emails
Manage access and viewing of emails sent within the organization to deal with incidents of misdelivery, and enhance security and personal information protection.

(ITU-T X.1236 Security Requirements 8.3.2)

Security for Internal Information Leakage
Set filter policies for text and attachments within emails to block attempts of internal information leakage.

(ITU-T X.1236 Security Requirements 8.3.1)

Key Features

1. Approval Emails Based on the Organization Chart

Following the setting of approval keywords for departments or groups, emails containing these keywords are sent after approval.

(ITU-T X.1236 Security Requirements 8.3.1)


2. Email Viewing Restriction and Retrieval

Control and retrieval of emails containing specific keywords when sending emails.

(ITU-T X.1236 Security Requirements 8.3.2)

3. Set Delay Time for Sending

Able to set a delay time for sending so that cancellation of the sending can be done within the configured delay time.

(ITU-T X.1236 Security Requirements 8.3.1)


4. Inspection of Emails Using Encrypted Communication

Allows to analyze and detect email, even for encrypted communication, through direct analysis of the email source, enabling the establishment of a comprehensive outbound security system.

(ITU-T X.1236 Security Requirements 8.3.2)

5. Control of Access to the Mail Server

Settings for blocking mail server access and country-specific permission settings to prevent external hacking attempts and sending malicious email using the company’s email accounts.

(ITU-T X.1236 Security Requirements 8.4.1)


Expected Outcomes

Prevents internal information leakage and misdelivery caused by outbound emails.

*Click to enlarge image.

Recommend for

Companies that have experienced internal data leakage due to misdirected emails.
Companies that desire secure email sending with “Secure Email” and “Approval Email”.
Companies looking for outbound email security solutions to synchronize with inbound email security solution.
Companies that have experienced internal data leakage due to misdirected emails.
Companies that desire secure email sending with “Secure Email” and “Approval Email”.
Companies looking for outbound email security solutions to synchronize with inbound email security solution.

Configuration Diagram


*Click to enlarge image.

Share your successful story with SendGUARD


Pharmaceutical Company A

“There is a risk of important files related to new technology being leaked due to careless employees.”
“Thanks to the keywords set by the company, we were able to prevent leakage through attachment files.”

Public Institution B

“I often forget to attach a file to the email, so I had to resend it with the attachment”
“I was able to cancel the original email and resend it using the delay time feature.”

Corporation C

“A colleague from the same department who was on a business trip sent an email, but I didn’t know that it was a malicious one.”
“I could configure access to the email server so I was able to determine whether the account had been hacked and used externally.”

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